Pandemic Inspo: How to eat healthy when you're stuck at home

Not your average takeout: If you want to eat healthy, you have to stock your fridge with healthy foods. good clean food delivered takes presentation to another level with reusable glass jars.

Not your average takeout: If you want to eat healthy, you have to stock your fridge with healthy foods. good clean food delivered takes presentation to another level with reusable glass jars.

If you’re anything like me, maybe you’ve allowed yourself to indulge a little more these last few weeks since we’ve been stuck at home. Maybe you told yourself, “You deserve to enjoy another batch of fresh baked cookies. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, hello,” only to put on a pair of jeans for the first time in a month and discover all that comfort food ultimately made you feel, er, pretty uncomfortable.

It wasn’t that long ago I was eating super healthy and working my literal ass off to try to look as hot as (is) possible for my fiftieth birthday. One of the best gifts I got was from my friends Lisa and Kelly at Good Clean Food Delivered: a week-supply of their beautiful vegan meals delivered to my doorstep—the perfect thing to get bikini ready for my birthday trip to Costa Rica, and without having to do any shopping, cooking, or meal planning.

Early one Monday morning in late February, an insulated tote bag arrived on my doorstep. There were big jars of brightly colored soups; artfully arranged salads with every veggie in the rainbow; glass containers filled with gorgeous sliced veggies (repeat after me: croo-di-tay), ready-to-blend smoothies so vibrant I felt healthy just looking at them, and even a few sweet treats. I carefully arranged everything in my fridge so I could admire it every time I opened the door. Just being stocked up with all this—well, good clean food—I already felt like one of those super star get-healthy-get-fit chicks I follow on Instagram.

Speaking of cool chicks on social media, Kelly and Lisa walk the walk. They are athletes, yogis, moms, friends, and office mates with many years of experience in the wellness industry and more degrees and certifications between them than your doctor. They are the kind of women that make you do a little double-take, women with a well-earned confidence and style that comes from practicing what they preach.

That’s why they were the first people I thought of to turn to for advice when I woke up one day and realized I’d gained the Pandemic 15. It didn’t surprise me to learn this hasn’t slowed these two down one bit. In fact, they’re doing more business than ever, expanding their offering to Boulder, Jackson Hole and beyond.

I caught up with Lisa and Kelly to talk about how to survive—and thrive—when the going gets tough, and how to stay on track with healthy eating, even when you’re stuck at home.


Just being stocked up with all this—well, good clean food—I already felt like one of those super star get-healthy-get-fit chicks I follow on Instagram.

Kelly Hollins is a certified health coach, vegan chef, plant based living enthusiast, and co-owner of Good Clean Food Delivered. She’s pretty much a badass all around.

Kelly Hollins is a certified health coach, vegan chef, plant based living enthusiast, and co-owner of Good Clean Food Delivered. She’s pretty much a badass all around.

We caught up with Lisa and Kelly for advice on how to survive—and thrive—when the going gets tough.

Let’s talk about food as medicine and why it’s more important now than ever to be eating healthfully.
Food as medicine has always been a pillar in our business and our belief system and that hasn’t changed. This question drives every decision we make with every meal. Right now, our health is everything, and the most important thing we can do to stay healthy is eat well. It’s the one thing we do have control over during these uncontrollable times.

What are some immune-boosting foods you guys recommend?
We always focus on a colorful diet with healthy fats and a rainbow of veggies, foods that are going to be anti-inflammatory, which is important for a strong immune system. Staying hydrated is especially important right now. If water feels boring, try sipping on herbal teas, soups, broths, and tonics (nutrient-dense drinks like green veggie juices and kombucha). Focus on foods high in Vitamin C - like broccoli, bell peppers, kiwi, lemon and juicy citrus fruits. Zinc is another important nutrient - you can get that from nuts, seeds, and legumes, and shellfish. Adequate levels of Vitamin D are crucial for a healthy immune system, yet many of us run deficient. Vitamin D is primarily produced through exposure to direct sunlight; 15 minutes of exposure a day will do the trick for most people. Otherwise you may need to up Vitamin D levels with a high quality supplement.

Gut health is the most important thing when it comes to the body’s ability to fight this virus, so we’ve been incorporating a lot of probiotic-rich foods like coconut yoghurt, kimchee and sauerkraut into our menus. We’ve also amped up our smoothies, using plenty of superfoods and sourcing even more powerful ingredients like elderberry, chaga mushrooms and super greens powders.

What are some tips for staying on track with healthy eating when you’re stuck at home?
Take the time to think about how you stock your fridge and what you want to see when you open the pantry doors. Only buy and bring into your home the foods you feel absolutely great about eating. Make your time in the kitchen count: if you are making a pot of fresh veggie soup, double or triple the recipe, freeze some, and your kitchen duty list will feel magically shorter. Like we always say, if you have chopped vibrant veggies and a beautiful dip, you are fall less likely to eat pretzels and chips.

Lisa Cohen is a certified nutritionist, health coach, weight loss expert, and co-owner of good clean food delivered, which is why i now have her number on speed dial.

Lisa Cohen is a certified nutritionist, health coach, weight loss expert, and co-owner of good clean food delivered, which is why i now have her number on speed dial.

What are some of the ways each of you are incorporating self-care into your own routine?
Exercising and meditation are, as always, of utmost importance. We are also loving online yoga and baths with our favorite essential oils and sea salts. We are obsessed with the 21 Day Tabata Yoga Body Challenge on We are nurturing and nourishing ourselves from the inside out. Time with friends and laughing with family is the very best kind of self care during these times. We have been tackling TikTok routines with our kids and streaming stand up comedy on Netflix—there is nothing more healing than a belly laugh. Sometimes, letting yourself off the hook is the best form of self-care. If you need to stay in bed all day, watch movies, and nibble on chocolate—listen to your body. You might really need it. Enjoy the opportunity and do it with zero guilt.

What have you learned from the challenges of running your business during the pandemic?
It brings to the forefront the power of perspective. These uncertain times will be what make them, and we choose to see every challenge as opportunity for growth. It really elevates our ability to do our best work and not be attached to outcomes. Letting go of expectations and focusing instead on what really matters, which is serving others, has been a powerful growth opportunity for us. Serving the community, supporting our team, and uplifting each other—these are the things that matter most to us.

Even though it’s an ordeal to go to the grocery store right now, we ground ourselves in the fact that what we are doing is allowing one person to shop while 30-plus families can safely stay at home. The ability to serve our community this way feels really powerful.//

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